PROVIDENCE — The state attorney general on Tuesday announced he has sued two related car dealerships, accusing them of deceptive pricing practices. Attorney General Peter F. Neronha said that Grieco Honda, of Johnston, refused to sell vehicles at the advertised prices, instead adding a $5,000 “addendum fee” to the price. […]
Automotive Defense Specialists, a skilled team of defense attorneys, is announcing a new post on the importance of finding legal support in the SMOG industry. Auto repair shops need to know their legal rights vis-a-vis California’s Bureau of Automotive Repair. SMOG shop attorney Auto repair shops need to know their […]
Similar functions are performed with respect to the registration of logos. The USPTO has no jurisdiction over questions of infringement and the enforcement of patents. Trademark rights may be used to prevent others from utilizing a confusingly related mark, but to not prevent others from making the identical items or […]