Top 4 Threats to Your Wireless Network

If you are like most online business owners that are using a wireless network, you are likely unaware of the potential dangers to both your business and the safety of you and your customers data. In this article, I’m going to discuss 4 different threats that you must be aware of when it comes to operating a business over a wireless network.

Many think that if they have the latest router, combined with the latest in security software, they are all set and having nothing to worry about. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Any type of equipment or security measures you take only act as deterrents. If someone really wants to break into your network, they’ll come up with a way to do so. The good news is that most hackers will go after sites that have lax security procedures.

The top 4 threats to your wireless network that you need to be aware of include:

1. Sniffing

This type of threat involves hackers that use software programs called sniffers that are able to scan the traffic on a network. All the hacker that has this software has to do is use it in areas with many networks until they lock onto an unsecured wireless network.

2. War Driving

With this threat, the hacker only needs a wireless device – such as a laptop or PDA. They simply drive around until they pick up an unprotected wireless signal from homes our businesses. These people will record your wireless id information, along with your physical address and post it in online databases so that others will know where there is an unsecured network, ripe for the taking.

3. Evil Twin

In this threat, your access to a legitimate wireless access point is blocked. Then, without your knowing it, you’re redirected to a second access point that is managed by a hacker. Any information you transmit is accessible to the hacker. Keystrokes are also able to be captured, which means any passwords you type in are now in the hands of the hackers. This type of threat is most common in public access points, such as restaurants and airports.

4. Wi-fishing

This is similar to the evil twin threat in that it takes you to what looks like a safe access point. By utilizing common SSIDs of public Wi-Fi spots, your computer will automatically connect to the hacker’s network. Same situation with the evil twin set up – the hacker can grab all of your information that you type in while connected to their network.

Needless to say, the real threat with these and other wireless network threats is that the risk to your bottom line is in danger. While some hackers only do what they do to see if they can do it, or to be a simply annoyance, thieves that get involved in wireless threats are not of the harmless variety. They can cost you plenty.

Katherine E. Ackerman

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