Useful Information on Scorpion Helmets’ Warranty

Wearing a helmet is required by law for people who drive motorcycles down the highway. A motorcycle helmet reduces the chances of a fatal head or face injury if a driver figures out in a motorcycle accident. Unprotected motorcycle drivers are very susceptible to fatal injuries without a helmet.

To address the need of this essential protective gear, many companies produce motorcycle helmets. One of the most popular and well received helmet producers is ScorpionExo.

Their specialty products, which are helmets, are engineered by some of the world’s best helmet designers. Their products are composed of state-of-the-art materials. They use the newest manufacturing methods to manufacture these helmets. Finally, the products are tested rigorously to ensure that the helmet bought by a customer is high-quality, durable, and pleasantly aesthetic. The company also makes sure that their protective headgear meets or even surpasses the required safety standard.

However, production mishaps are unavoidable, and they sometimes do occur. A helmet that finds its way to the store may be defective. They may be damaged during manufacturing, or something may have gone wrong during the manufacturing process. Either way, it is not the customer’s fault for accidentally buying a defective helmet.

In this case, the company offers a warranty. This enables customers who bought these faulty helmets to acquire another one without any defects free of charge. But before availing of the warranty, it is important to know how this service works.

All Scorpion helmets carry a three-year warranty against defects in materials and workmanship. That means you can return the product anytime three years after the date of purchase should evidence of manufacturing or shipping defects is detected. The warranty covers repairs and replacement of parts. It also covers labor and services that are necessary to repair the helmet.

This warranty does not apply, however, to normal wear and tear. That means you can’t return the helmet just because the paint is faded or chipped due to frequent usage.

It does not apply to deliberate mishandling. If the helmet served its purpose (i.e., the motorcyclist figured out in an accident, and the helmet, though destroyed, was able to protect him), it is not covered with the warranty.

If the helmet is modified in any way, the warranty does not apply. Such modifications include but are not limited to installation of audio or lights systems, drilling the shell or liner, carving or compressing the liners, and repainting of the outer shell.

To avail of the warranty, you would need to fill out a warranty form. You should then ship the defective product to the manufacturer; however, if this is not applicable or is inconvenient for you, you can return the product to a local dealer. You would also need to prepay the mailing charge through postal money or credit.

If everything goes well, the company will send you a repaired helmet. If the defective helmet is discontinued or no longer available, SportExo will provide you with a model that has equal or even better value.

Katherine E. Ackerman

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